Delivery Information

  • Euroflo delivers orders from Monday to Saturday.
  • Delivery time can take from 1 -15  days, depending on stock availablility and delivery location. For specific information on product delivery estimations  please Contact Us
  • All product prices on Euroflo are exclusive of delivery costs and exclusive of VAT. 
Weight of Total Purchase

Delivery Price (£)

0 - 30Kg


31 - 150kg


151 - 300kg £95
301 - 500kg £135
501 - 1000kg £240
1000kg - 1500kg £340
 **Please see below for information regarding deliveries to the ROI
The Republic of Ireland may charge a duty tax on packages imported from the UK over a certain value. If your order exceeds the maximum amount, you may be asked to pay a duty feee to recieve your order. Please check your country’s specific tax specifications prior to placing your order, as Euroflo cannot be held responsible for any tax payments. Please Contact Us if you have any questions regarding this. 

Damaged or faulty goods: 
  • If the goods arrive damaged or faulty please Contact our Customer Service Team on +44 892 832 144 who will process the claim for you and supply you with a replacement where possible.